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Zpacks Triplex Zip Tent

Váha: 638 g olive

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1 069,00 €

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Zpacks Triplex - je ultraľahký trojmiestny stan určený pre minimalistov, ktorí preferujú plnú ochranu pred počasím, ktorú ponúka klasický stan. Zpacks je známym výrobcom vysoko kvalitného ultraľahkého vybavenia a stan Triplex patrí medzi nosné produkty tejto americkej značky.

Balenie stanu obsahuje: integrované napínacie šnúry, všité linelocky a pracky, podlepené švy a úložný obal na stan. Na postavenie stanu budete potrebovať 8-12 kolíkov, ktoré nie sú zahrnuté v balení a dajú sa kúpiť samostatne.

MATERIÁL: 0.55 oz/sqyd (blue, olive) alebo 0.75 oz/sqyd (spruce green) Standard Dyneema® Composite Fabric 

Dyneema® Composite Fabric má oproti iným materiálom niekoľko výhod:

  • Vynikajúci pomer pevnosti a nízkej hmotnosti – materiál zvládne veľkú silu vetra a len tak ľahko sa neroztrhne.
  • Je bez chemikálií, bez PFC
  • Materiál Dyneema je vodotesný – nemá žiadnu povrchovú úpravu ani DWR, takže sa nemusíš časom obávať opotrebenia. Neabsorbuje a nenasiakava vodu - nezvyšuje svoju hmotnosť za vlhka a nezvyšuje záťaž v batohu.
  • Neprevesuje sa – stan zostane napnutý celú noc. Nylonový materiál v porovnaní s Dyneema sa môže natiahnuť a prevísať, najmä ak navlhne.
  • Podlepené švy – švy sú šité pevne a následne vodotesne podlepené. Úchyty na stane sú dodatočne podlepené pre dosiahnutie vyššej pevnosti. Nebude potrebné žiadne dodatočné utesnenie švov!
  • Ľahko opraviteľné – akékoľvek poškodenie sa dá veľmi jednoducho opraviť v teréne pomocou opravnej pásky Dyneema®.
  • Tento stan je polopriehľadný. Pri jasnom slnečnom svetle je viditeľná rozmazaná silueta osoby sediacej vo vnútri stanu, ale nie je možné vidieť žiadne detaily, pre primeranú dávku súkromia pri prezliekaní.
  • Pri slabom osvetlení (napríklad večer alebo v noci) do vnútra stanu vôbec nevidíš. 
  • Ďalším pozitívom tohto materiálu je, že môžete vidieť obrysy stromov a okolitej prírody pre lepší zážitok z kempovania.

CELKOVÁ HMOTNOSŤ: 638 g (blue a olive), 703 g (spruce green) vrátane napínacích šnúr, linelockov a podlepených švov.  Veľké DCF úložné vrecko +10g. 

Ku každému stanu je pribalený kus opravnej pásky a dva náhradné jazdce na zips.


Six stakes are required for this tent with up to twelve stakes recommended for a taught pitch in windy conditions. Stakes are not included but we have a variety of Ultralight Stakes to choose from.
A smaller 68” x 100” (173 x 254 cm) corner to corner footprint allows you to squeeze into those hard to find backcountry flat spots, providing a decisive advantage over comparable asymmetrical designs with larger footprints that require much more space to set up.
Symmetrical design allows two adults to lay side by side in either direction, creating a superior sleeping experience for couples when compared to asymmetrical offset pole designs. The symmetrical pole design also avoids the steep wall angles found in asymmetrical tents, creating more practical usable space, allowing two people to sit upright side by side facing out either door while removing shoes or while reaching out to cook or access gear just outside the tent.
The symmetrical design also allows any of the four storm doors to be opened or closed independently, providing best in class views and ventilation. Leave all four open on nice weather nights for a breeze and great views. Close the upwind doors to block cold wind, or close all four for 360° rain protection.
The doors can be secured closed with our custom made metal hooks or independently rolled up and out of the way with the built in magnetic toggles.
Both sides of the tent feature a peak vent to increase air flow and deter condensation when the doors are closed.
Each screen door has a rainbow zipper which allows easy entry regardless of which storm doors are closed, and they give you access to every vestibule area. Each screen door conveniently drops inwards rather than hanging in your way. No need to roll it up or secure it.
All zippers on the tent have been designed to allow the zippers sliders to easily be replaced in the field. Two replacement sliders are included with the tent. Zipper slider replacement instructions can be found here.
The tarp overhangs the bathtub floor by 12 cm ( 4-5 inches). In calm rain or under wet trees one or two doors can be left open for air flow without water dripping on the floor space. In almost all conditions at least one downwind door can be left open for air.  Tip: For even better rain protection with a door open, use the included elastic cords to pull the screen door back away from the rain spray, as shown.
This tent has a solid, sewn in 20 cm (8 inch) tall bathtub floor. The bathtub floor is a rectangle 1.52 m wide by  2.3 m long (60 inches x 7.5 feet). It will fit three standard 51 cm (20") sleeping pads, or two wide pads with space to spare.
If you are particularly tall, you might try propping up the side guylines with Trekking Pole Cups.
Mesh pockets are conveniently located near each screen door so that they can be accessed from inside or outside the tent. They are a good place to store your cell phone, glasses, headlamp, the tent stuff sack, and spare seam tape (included). The pocket is about 20 cm x 15 cm (8" x 6").
A separate groundsheet is NOT required for this shelter. The floor material is reasonably durable, and all Dyneema® Composite Fabric gear can be easily patched in the field with repair tape. If you do prefer to use a groundsheet as a precaution, Flat Groundsheets are available here.
There is screen between the bathtub floor and the walls at the ends of the tarp. An elastic cord keeps the bathtub elevated ensuring the screen slopes downwards away from the bathtub. Any condensation, which single wall shelters may experience, will run down the walls and out through the downward sloping screen, rather than onto the floor. Click here for tips to avoid condensation.
All of Zpacks tents do pretty well in the wind. The material can handle high wind loads. As long as your stakes stay in the ground (use rocks if available) your tent will stay standing. Dyneema® Composite Fabric is not a particularly noisy fabric; however, almost any tent will make a little noise in the wind. Earplugs are not a bad idea for windy nights.

Integrated 2,5 cm thick foam back panel

Zpacks Triplex view

Hmotnosť638 g
Záruka2 roky

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