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Zpacks Offset Solo Tent

Váha: 496 g

Viac detailov

Nový produkt

779,00 €

skladom | odosielame do 24 hodín

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Zpacks Offset Solo Tent - .

Balenie stanu obsahuje: integrované napínacie šnúry, všité linelocky a pracky, podlepené švy a úložný obal na stan. Na postavenie stanu budete potrebovať 8 kolíkov, ktoré nie sú zahrnuté v balení a dajú sa kúpiť samostatne.

MATERIÁL: 0.55 oz/sqyd (blue, olive) alebo 0.75 oz/sqyd (spruce green) Standard Dyneema® Composite Fabric 

Dyneema® Composite Fabric má oproti iným materiálom niekoľko výhod:

  • Vynikajúci pomer pevnosti a nízkej hmotnosti – materiál zvládne veľkú silu vetra a len tak ľahko sa neroztrhne.
  • Je bez chemikálií, bez PFC
  • Materiál Dyneema je vodotesný – nemá žiadnu povrchovú úpravu ani DWR, takže sa nemusíš časom obávať opotrebenia. Neabsorbuje a nenasiakava vodu - nezvyšuje svoju hmotnosť za vlhka a nezvyšuje záťaž v batohu.
  • Neprevesuje sa – stan zostane napnutý celú noc. Nylonový materiál v porovnaní s Dyneema sa môže natiahnuť a prevísať, najmä ak navlhne.
  • Podlepené švy – švy sú šité pevne a následne vodotesne podlepené. Úchyty na stane sú dodatočne podlepené pre dosiahnutie vyššej pevnosti. Nebude potrebné žiadne dodatočné utesnenie švov!
  • Ľahko opraviteľné – akékoľvek poškodenie sa dá veľmi jednoducho opraviť v teréne pomocou opravnej pásky Dyneema®.
  • Tento stan je polopriehľadný. Pri jasnom slnečnom svetle je viditeľná rozmazaná silueta osoby sediacej vo vnútri stanu, ale nie je možné vidieť žiadne detaily, pre primeranú dávku súkromia pri prezliekaní.
  • Pri slabom osvetlení (napríklad večer alebo v noci) do vnútra stanu vôbec nevidíš. 
  • Ďalším pozitívom tohto materiálu je, že môžete vidieť obrysy stromov a okolitej prírody pre lepší zážitok z kempovania.

CELKOVÁ HMOTNOSŤ: 496 g vrátane napínacích šnúr, linelockov, podlepených švov a úložného vrecka. 

Ku každému stanu je pribalený kus opravnej pásky a dva náhradné jazdce na zips. Voľba materiálu môže zmeniť celkovú hmotnosť.

This tent has fully enclosed ultralight insect netting. The holes in the screen are super tiny and even the smallest insects can not get through.
Sets up with two trekking poles or tent poles adjusted to around 48" (122 cm) at the peaks and an included 32" (81 cm) tent pole inserted into two integrated cups at the foot end of the tent. Trekking poles are not included but we have multiple Trekking Pole options to choose from.
The 32” pole at the foot further expands the best in class internal volume of the Offset Solo by providing copious amounts of foot room for taller hikers.
The unique pole configuration creates uniform, side to side, headroom which allows you to sit up with plenty of space to change your clothes without touching the walls or ceiling.  The large amount of practical usable space creates a superior user experience for hikers when compared to the cramped interior of the steep asymmetrical walls found in other offset tent pole designs.
A smaller 99 x 254 cm (39” x 100”) corner to corner footprint allows you to squeeze into those hard to find backcountry flat spots, providing a decisive advantage over comparable asymmetrical designs with larger footprints that require almost 40% more flat space to properly set up.
Pitches just 10 cm (4") off the ground which reduces drafts while still providing airflow around the perimeter.
Both entries feature zippered storm doors. Leave the larger downwind doors open on a nice night for a breeze and great views or close both doors to block cold wind and provide 360 degree rain protection. The large downwind doors can be rolled up and out of the way with magnetic toggles.
There’s a screen between the bathtub floor and the walls at the ends of the tent. An adjustable cord keeps the bathtub floor elevated ensuring the screen slopes downward away from the bathtub. Any condensation will run down the walls and out through the downward sloping screens.
The tarp overhangs the bathtub floor by 7.6 cm (3 inch) all the way around. In calm rain or under wet trees the downwind doors can be left open for air flow without water dripping or falling into your living space. In almost all conditions at least one door can be left open for air flow. For even better protection with a door open in the rain you can attach the cord at the foot of the bathtub floor to the screen door zipper to pull the screen door inwards away from rain spray.
Both sides feature a peak vent to increase air flow and help reduce condensation when the storm doors are closed.
Both entries feature a wide L shaped zipper which gives you ample space to get in and out of the tent or to quickly access to the vestibule spaces. The L shape allows the screen door to drape across the entry and reduce the amount of mosquitoes and insects that follow you into the tent. The screen rolls up and can be secured with a dedicated magnet toggle.
The two door set up makes it easy to get in and allows for maximum flexible with camp spot selection.
This tent has a longer and wider sewn in bathtub floor that is 239 cm (94”) long and measures 91 cm (36”) wide from the head to mid torso before tapering down to 81 cm (32”) at the foot. The bathtub floor has 15 cm (6") tall walls to keep you protected from groundwater or splash back.
The bathtub floor easily accommodates a wide and long pad, leaving plenty of space to stretch out with space left inside for your gear.
The floor also includes integrated trekking pole flaps that allow you to pin down the floor with the tips of your trekking poles, or with 48" tent poles. This prevents the floor from blowing around, and also allows easy one-handed operation of the door zipper.
For added durability, the bathtub floor is made with Dyneema Composite Fabric material that is almost twice as thick as the standard canopy material and is more resistant to abrasions and punctures.
A separate groundsheet is NOT required for this shelter. The floor material is reasonably durable, and all Dyneema® Composite Fabric gear can be easily patched in the field with repair tape. If you do prefer to use a groundsheet as a precaution, Flat Groundsheets are available.
Inside you’ll find mesh pockets on each side of the tent for storing smaller items like a headlamp, glasses, or phone. This is where you will also find the repair tape that comes standard with all of our tents.
Loops at each peak allow you to add our Gear Nest, hang your headlamp, or string a cord between both loops to hang items inside.
Built with high quality YKK #3 zippers on the screen and storm doors. All zippers on the tent have been designed to allow the zippers sliders to easily be replaced in the field. Two replacement sliders are included with the tent. 
All tie outs feature LineLoc V adjusters and bright yellow Z-Line guylines, allowing you to lock in the perfect pitch.
All of Zpacks tents do pretty well in the wind. The material can handle high wind loads. As long as your stakes stay in the ground (use rocks if available) your tent will stay standing. Dyneema® Composite Fabric is not a particularly noisy fabric; however, almost any tent will make a little noise in the wind. Earplugs are not a bad idea for windy nights.
All Zpacks gear has a two year limited warranty against defects in materials or workmanship.

Integrated 2,5 cm thick foam back panel

Hmotnosť496 g
Záruka2 roky

Výška: 122 cm 
Šírka hrebeňa: 99 cm 
Šírka vrátane predsiene: 183 cm 
Hĺbka predsiene: 46 cm každá strana. 0.58 m² na stranu.
Dĺžka: 254 cm 

Výška: 122 cm
Šírka podlahy: 91 cm sa zužuje na 76 cm od približne polovice trupu po nohy
Dĺžka podlahy: 239 cm 
Podlahová plocha: 2.2 m² 
Výška vstupu na zips: 102 cm 

Rozmery balenia: 13 cm priemer x 28 cm výška, objem cca 3.5 litra.
Rozmery úložného vrecka: 15 cm priemer x 30.5 cm výška (Zpacks Medium vrecko). Úložné vrecko je zámerne voľnejšie, čo uľahčuje balenie, ale v batohu sa vám ešte stlačí.  

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