OUTDOORLINE Hammock Tarp Sleeves - it's a couple of two meters long sleeves also called "snake skins" which are used to pack up your tarp, while you're out on the trail.
It is also possible to use them for longer tarps, that you move the ends and accommodate them into the sleeves.
Every piece of sleeve has length 2m, so the length of both sleeves is 4m. At the narrower end is an eyelet which you can put into the strap. On the other side of each sleeve is a tunnel where you can put some drawcord to tighten it up, but it's not necessary.
They are compatible with tarps from Warbonnet / Dutchware.
Pack includes one pair.
Custom made in EU by hamak.sk

WEIGHT: 18g / pair
MATERIAL: black knit Polyamide - slightly flexible mosquito net.
One piece has length 2m.
The length of the snakes together is 4m.