We receive lots of questions about VAT from customers buying outside of Europe so we've made an explanation how it works on our website.
We are able to sell our products to customers from outside of the European Union without value added tax.
We have implemented geolocation on our web page, so once the system recognize your internet connection comes from outside of Europe, you should be able to see all prices without VAT.
You can double check it at the checkout form. Just put the product to the shopping card and in the checkout form please select the appropriate delivery country for example Germany (country within the E.U.) or Switzerland (country outside of the E.U.)and you will see correct price with or without VAT (VAT included or excluded).Here are screenshots for the same product how it looks once you are connected from EU zone - first picture and from outside of the Europe - second picture.
Picture 1. Screenshot with VAT included for European countries
Picture 2. Screenshot with VAT excluded for countries outside of Europe
Please note, that there is a feature in our module, that for customers outside of Europe is stated only one price, which is valid price without VAT(means VAT with 0%).