My name is Peter and I am the owner of OUTDOORLINE.SK
I was born in Slovakia and grew up in the city below the High Tatras, the highest mountains in our country and spent much of my childhood on the trails in these mountains.
I love hiking and backpacking and I think it’s a great way to get outside, spending time in nature and give yourself a break from your worldly troubles.
I am also gear enthusiast. I found out that it is hard to find lightweight gear in our market here in Slovakia and I decided to bring some new ultralight brands and founded my e-shop specialized for selling lightweight gear.
Our goal is to provide you all information about products to help you choose the best equipment from range of lightweight and ultralight for your adventures.
I hope you enjoy your purchase, and will visit us again at www.outdoorline.sk |since 2012

Contact person:
Peter Kuchta
founder and owner
email: info (@) outdoorline.sk
mobil/whatsapp/viber/: 00421-(0)948-148-606
Company information:
Outdoorline s.r.o.
Na Košarisku 2662/30B
040 11 Košice
Slovakia (Europe)
VAT ID: SK2023880881
CID: 47460041
The company is registered in the Trade Register, Košice City Court
Number of trade register: odd. Sro, vl.č.33686/V
Euro bank account:
Account name: Outdoorline s.r.o.
Bank:Československá obchodná banka, a.s.
IBAN: SK6175000000004027020878
Euro bank account:Account
name: Outdoorline s.r.o.
Bank:Fio banka, a.s.,
IBAN: SK2583300000002700495357
GBP bank account at Revolut:
Beneficiary: OUTDOORLINE, S.R.O.
Account number: 20422482
Sort code: 04-00-75